Come to the grand opening of the Mountain Heritage Museum and Gallery in St. Paul, Virginia!

See hundreds of artifacts from coal mining, logging, railroading, farming, the Civil War, and Native American and Appalachian natural history. View dozens of pictures and prints about these subjects and more, including the largest UMWA historic display south of Washington, D.C..!
Also gaze at color photos of the great outdoors of Southwest Virginia, the most biologically diverse native ecosystem in the Northern Hemisphere.
Local musicians and artists will be on hand as well including talented musician Rich Kirby & Company @ 1 PM performing coal mining and other regional ballads. We will have CD recordings by Rich for sale along with publications by local authors including Joe Tennis, Frank Kilgore’s Far Southwest Virginia: A Postcard and Photographic Journey, and Ed Wolfe’s Norfolk & Southern: Clinch Valley Line.
WHEN: Grand Opening, Saturday, May 7, from 10-4
WHERE: At the Kilgore Law firm on Russell Street, just across from Trupoint Bank
ADMISSION: Free, but donations are appreciated
Just follow the signs and come see your history. For safety and security purposes children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult.